5 Ways To Make Cleaning Fun For The Kids
let s face it chores can be a drag even if you re the one in charge of all the cleaning making cleaning fun will make things easier for everyone like mary poppins said just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down have a contest with a winner tell your kids that a winner will get a prize or an advantage in some way soon this could be as simple as picking up the movie for the night or an extra helping of their favourite dessert hide a treat of some kind even if it s something small a simple treat can be a great motivator make sure you hide it in a place that can be found if they have done their job well turn up the tunes challenge everyone to get as much work done as possible during one song so that everyone can sit out the next one break up the work break up every 20 minutes of work with a quick run around the house or a jog up the street give each person their own set of supplies make sure that each little helper has their own bucket filled with cleaning supplies carrying around their own bucket of things can be so much fun