Tips For Growing A Vegetable Garden
tips for growing a vegetable garden starting a vegetable garden can save you more money and you can also get up close and personal with nature households with a vegetable garden have confirmed that the flavor and texture of garden grown produce is better than what they used to find at the grocery store maintaining a beautiful garden unfortunately is a lot of hard work but you can labor more efficiently and see it as a form of exercising it is suggested that you plant vegetables and herbs near your back or front door this is so that you can see them more often give them the care and attention they need and remember to keep them watered use these brilliant gardening tips to start your own garden vegetable gardening at home can be a way to save money while you get up close and personal with nature for example even just one plant can be super affordable start with a small space if it s your first time in the gardening space and this is a hobby that you would like to put your energy into start small it s better to be excited and motivated by what you produce in a small garden than to be frustrated by the time and effort that a big garden needs you will get yourself tired and lose interest and desire select five of your favorite vegetables to grow and plant a few of each type if you don t have the space to plant your seeds you can also grow vegetables in containers with a sunny deck or balcony you re good to go and you will not be doing much work location any successful vegetable garden needs a lot of sunshine and a bit of shade before deciding on the spot you would like to start your new hobby spend a bit of time in your yard watching the light at different times of the day and from different angles you can also pay attention to your trees if you have any and your neighbor s trees select the beds you want raised square foot beds raised or square footbeds are one of the simplest ways to start a vegetable garden this is one of the most affordable materials you don t need to till the soil and there is a weed barrier that helps prevent grass from getting into your garden square footbeds are the most common other options work just as well an example of this method is the galvanized animal troughs pots for areas with limited space the best solution is using pots whether it s a large medium or small pot these are great for growing all sorts of vegetables some veggies that do great in pots are lettuce peppers herbs and garlic a pot is infinitely practical and can be moved easily to find the best sun plant directly in the soil this method of vegetable gardening has been used for centuries planting directly in the soil involves tilling and amending the soil before the actual planting in the past our ancestors and elders did the tilling by hand and used manure to amend the soil even though this still works today using a tiller which can be rented at most home stores and occasionally borrowed from a friend or relatives gets the job done faster it is best to get a soil sample tested to see what your soil is missing most nurseries will have information on this as well as soil amendments create rows with mounds for most planting the concept of companion planting is ideal for these sorts of beds starter plants or seeds who hasn t done this before you see a collection of seeds at the garden center purchase them and think that something will just pop up after planting unfortunately not all plants are like that some seeds like lettuce are better at this than others like broccoli for new gardeners it s strongly recommended purchasing small starter plants rather than trying to propagate from seeds purchase seedlings for plants like tomatoes and peppers and choose plants with strong stems and good color equip yourself with some knowledge and information before making any purchase some seeds need to be sown directly into the soil you can simple ones like radishes carrots beans lettuce spinach and chard check the package because some seeds do better with soaking before planting watering maintaining a good garden means you will need a good way to water it some people set up a watering system on a timer while others use the hand watering method watering by hand is beneficial it allows you to actively pull weeds and check for bugs hand watering a garden is also a little bit of therapy as it takes about 15 or 20 minutes a day and it can be a great way to start a day or relax at the end of a day no matter which watering system you choose to use you need a watering plan to keep your garden fresh and looking organized and beautiful get some hoses and watering nozzles if you must and plan to spend a few minutes every day in your garden prepare for pests pests in the garden have been plaguing gardeners since the first gardens were planted birds will peck at your tomatoes and squirrels will snatch anything they can grab except okra then there are the insects that invade they re all hungry either plan to share or plan to keep them out for birds squirrels snakes and any other critter create barriers you can use tulle netting to discourage birds and squirrels while fencing your garden will also help keep out unwanted animals fertilizer if you want plants that produce healthy fruit you will need to fertilize those plants and using natural and organic products is the best way to do it visit your local garden center for ideas and amounts there are so many options to choose from