Easter Egg Hunt
it s that time of year again when young and old have a great egg cuse sorry to eat large amounts of chocolate guilt free it s also a great time to make memories with the little ones you might think of yourself as a hunt master but there are always ways to improve your formula here are 5 ways to make your easter egg hunt the most egg cellent we just can t stop safety first easter is made for making memories but you want to make sure you remember it for the right reasons to avoid any unfortunate accidents think safety first setting up boundaries for the hunt will keep the kids from wandering into any unsafe areas a simple way to mark off the boundaries is with string and balloons have a clue if you want to take your easter egg hunt to the next level you have to make clues that lead the kids to where the eggs are stashed you can even colour code the clues using bright markers each one a new colour based on difficulty for example green for easy yellow for medium and red for the hardest but the biggest eggs egg race another way to up the egg citement seriously something is wrong with us is to make it a race give each child their own basket and set them loose to the shout of go give them between 5 10 minutes to see who can collect the most eggs in their basket before time runs out the winner gets a special treat https www instagram com p bwua5ygfpob more cheers less tears kids will fight over anything easter eggs being no exception to avoid the inevitable arguments over whose eggs are whose you can give each kid an equal amount at the beginning and put their names on each egg with labels this way everything is fair and above board and you ll avoid any tears on the day avoid excess sugar the kiddies aren t going to have a shortage of sugar over easter so if you want to lessen their intake you can replace some of the eggs with simple inexpensive toys not only is it healthier but it will be an awesome surprise and something a little different for them to smile about show us your easter hunt pics on instagram using crazyeasterhunt